Summertime, a fun-filled experience
I love summertime. The sun is out, flowers have bloomed and activities to enjoy are everywhere. Whether you like camping, water sports, traveling, or simply relaxing in a hammock – it all makes you look forward to summertime.
Msquared Books encourage you and your family to take time to enjoy the outdoors. There are so many things to do before summer ends.
Whatever you decide, be safe and remember to recycle or reuse items. Please clean up and use the right receptacles when discarding your trash. WE must work together to save our planet.
Let us Help.
Story-time and virtual readings are great tools to use to reinforce important lessons for children. The Safety Pledge books help to jump start conversations about safety and saving our planet. Let us help by booking a story-time or virtual reading with the author, Miranda Mathis.
Our books inspire, build self-esteem, and provide many SAFETY tips for children. Also, a virtual reading is a great way to connect with families abroad. If you wish to schedule an appointment, please Contact Us
Msquared Books Merchandise
Msquared Books has merchandise available for the entire family. You can have a cuddly Andy giraffe, a beautiful butterfly, or a water bottle to quench your thirst while enjoying the outdoors. Our dolls are wonderfully made by our seamstress and crocheter who loves creating dolls for kids.
These dolls make great traveling and sleeping companions for children. To order, contact us.
I encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to see what free giveaways we are offering for simply following us or attending our events.
What’s new for the summer?
Msquared Books will be launching their first audio book of “A Spider Who Spits Fire.” This audio book is narrated by Christina Lamoreux and accompanied by a piano melody, created by Daniel Manoiu. I encourage you to keep checking the website for the launch date and a way to listen to a sample of the audio before it goes live. Stay tuned.