Welcome to Msquaredbooks

Msquared Books believes self-worth, confidence, awareness as well as safety are very important in safeguarding the mental and physical health of children. Also, we believe books should be fun, exciting and enjoyable. Msquared Books was created to provide a reservoir of books that target all age groups.

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Safety Pledge

Indoor Safety Pledge By Miranda Mathis

Kids are our #1 priority

Msquared Books believes everyone should utilize the “RAND Method."

R = Repetition

A = Awareness

N =Need and 

D = Development

Repeating important lessons or phrases increases a child’s ability to remember vital instruction. It also fosters awareness which is necessary for their growth and development. It is every parent’s wish that if an event or incident arises, their child will remember those valuable lessons.

Just like children will repeat what they have learned from a television series or their favorite animated character, we believe repeating phrases, creating stories and characters that promote self-esteem and build confidence is a great way to make learning a fun and a memorable experience.

OUR goal is to prepare every child for success. No child should be left behind or feel at a disadvantage for any reason. All should be given the opportunity to excel and be their best. We believe within every child there is a gift and with help, guidance and direction they can do amazing things.

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Whether our books are read at home, in school, or a youth organization, it is our mission to build amazing individuals that help shape our country and environment into a positive place to live. Msquared Books believe in creating books that target all children with hope when our books are added to your home library.

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Englishtown, NJ 07726

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  Bullying is wrong… and a subject many shy away from.  Does your child’s school have an anti-bullying policy?   Do you

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