Joining this episode is Kyria Kalata
who will be sharing some ideas and tips for getting in more reading time as a family. She is a former television journalist and life-long literacy lover who has made it her mission to help multilingual families embrace reading in multiple languages. You will hear about her own passion for reading and get some truly insightful ideas that will help you incorporate more literature into your day-to-day family life.
Kyria shares some really inspiring stories from her own difficult journey with dyslexia and how she relentlessly pursued learning and literacy independently. She sheds light on ways to intentionally encourage a love for reading and why it’s so important to read fiction. You will most definitely walk away from this episode wanting to hear so much more from her (We definitely did!).
Don’t miss the end of the show where we always share a simple action item or two that you can use to start making use of what you hear on the show!
Listen To The Full Episode Here:
- Follow Kyria on Instagram
- The Treasure Chest Club
- The House of Education
- Follow Miranda on Instagram
Shareable Quotes:
- “Reading, book time and book talk should be as important as taking a bath and brushing your teeth and going to bed at a certain time – it should be that important. This is one of the things that I think society is missing globally.” – Kyria Kalata
- “You as a teacher need to teach the parent some of the resources that are available to them so they can go out and help their child the best way that they can.” – Kyria Kalata
- “We can do anything, dream anything, be anything, learn anything because we can read – and that’s why it’s so critical to help them read.” – Kyria Kalata
Take Action:
- Take turns reading and do some negotiating.
- Find out what movie is coming out soon and start reading the books that go along with it.
- Teachers – focus on more reading rather than focusing on reading level. Encourage picture books!